“The idea is good but it won’t sell” 

– Haters

People fight against each other, over anything and for everything, and at the end of the day, is just like someone very wise once said to me People want to see you doing well but never better than them as soon as something starts going well some people just tend to be negative and envious – people tend to say it’s human nature, but how far does human nature go? As soon as everything starts going well and everybody knows your name, the people that never believed in you will want to go back into your life as soon as possible. Some people will tell you that you can’t do it, that you don’t have the money or the knowledge or the willpower, others will tell you that the idea you have is bigger than you are, that you’re getting ahead of yourself and your abilities and the worse thing is that you will believe them, because you end up allowing them to plant a seed of self doubt in you, unconsciously – this happens for most people as we’re not yet equipped to fully believe in ourselves, we’re not yet free from mental manipulation. You grew up believing in being judged and accepted, grew up feeling that you have to fit in and that’s a must, all that started with the media (“simple cartoons for kids”), then maybe your parents and family (which are big influences) – a huge MAYBE here because not all the parents/family members are the same, thankfully!!! – so eventually if you don’t have what it takes, even if your name is catchy and unique like a superstar, you will SUCK “just because”! And that’s what you believe in unfortunately. Let me tell you something that is really true, people are just afraid that you might end up in a better place some day, they are scared you will be better then them because they already see so much in you, so if one day you decide to do something new with your abilities, with your dreams, with your knowledge, do it anyway! Some people go on some quarter/middle (etc) age crisis and quit everything to start all over again, that is quite a risk, I wouldn’t be able to even image putting myself in that position as I’m not much of a risk taker but I should be more, God only know where I’d be now. As I said at the beginning I’m [just] a depressed single jobless mother. I am only now acknowledging my creative life, my creative self, my creative being, admitting what I know how to do, exploring the cooking, the baking, the decorating, the writing and so on.

On a completely different hand, do you know what I hate the most? I really do hate it when people say things like Have you forgotten where you came from? Your roots? Why do you want more than what you already have? – or – Do you see that guy? He’s so arrogant now, remember when he knocked on our door asking for sugar and rice? – as if people were born and had to live with the same mindset for the rest of their lives, as if people couldn’t evolve – intellectually, mentally and spiritually, especially if your door is still the same door they knocked on mate! I mean, what would have been of human life if the first human had remained in its place and didn’t go after anything better than what he already had? We’d all still live in the same conditions, probably living like the Flinstones, perhaps, getting warm with big bonfires or animal skins, drawing on rocks, we’d still have no different languages and dialects, we’d express ourselves in a very different and maybe limited way.

Why can’t people start watching other people evolve and celebrate them, and learn from them? After all, we are our own competition. I’ll tell you why, simply because they are so overwhelmingly jealous – it gets to a point that jealousy should be considered an illness, for real, or at least a symptom – or because they had that same idea but they weren’t able to materialise it and monetise it, or because they just hate that person, or because they are still doubting their abilities. Jealousy comes from a place of denial, of identifying oneself as a failure, self-hatred, self-loathing and pain, unmeasurable pain, and misery and you know how it loves company.

Brooklyn Austen, 2017
Edited by Brooklyn Austen 2019

3 thoughts on “Part IV – People VS The People

  1. Great Post, jealousy is a mental illness. I live in a country where jealous is a huge problem. People get so sick inside with jealousy trying to find ways to harm their friends, family and people they do not know. I cannot believe the extent they will go to hurt them whereas, I am so happy for other people when they succeed in their lives even if it is a little. I have no understanding of those who can only find contempt for other’s efforts.

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    1. I understand where you coming from, jealousy is so toxic! People really go through great lengths just because of jealousy, I’ve seen things I don’t even want to speak about, I believe in the good in people but I’ll never doubt the things people can do. The human being is the most dangerous animal on earth

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